Saturday, September 4, 2021

GG's Corner: LONG Weekend Edition


Happy Long Weekend to ALL!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a lazy weekend filled with food, wine and song! Well, wine for GG and you can have whatever you prefer. LOL
I think I will watch Cruella on Sunday but first some chores need tending to and I think I have to hit the dreaded mall as I didn't go the other day. Its the back to school rush so I imagine madness and crowds will have to be endured. I've always noticed that everyone buys all their clothes prior to school start which I never understood as its too hot to wear sweaters and jeans. Clothes like that are more for September's end, at least, if not October. No. I go a week or two later as my kids aren't picky and we shop crowd free and on sale. 
As for dinners. Tonight might be a light soup, roasted chicken & salad and tomorrow will be pasta with a meat sauce. Will I make the pasta from scratch???????? We shall see. Monday will be regret with a side of stretch pants.

This is an open thread for the weekend INCLUDING MONDAY as its a holiday Monday here. 
Share your plans, as well as play your songs, post your memes etc. You know the drill.
Peace & Love, GG.

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