Wednesday, September 1, 2021

GG's Corner: Hello September


Poof. And like that, summer is over. 

Happy September Everyone! We are finally over the summer stretch and ready to start packing away all our fold chairs & picnic baskets and time to start pulling out the sweaters and the umbrellas. 
What a hot summer this was for me. Many plants did not survive but we always have next season to grow and start again. Although its not fall YET, its officially close with the starting up of school, temps finally cooling down and every coffee shop in the city brings out the pumpkin spice and puts it on literally everything! 

How did you enjoy your summer?
Are you looking forward to fall?
Do you like pumpkin spice? LOL

This is an open chat, as per usual but looking forward to your responses also. Peace & Love, GG

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