Thursday, August 5, 2021

GG's Corner: Driving Pet Peeves, Tips & Road Rages


Hello! I thought today would be fun to talk about all things driving. For some, an open road is an adventure while for others its witnessing a series of failing to yield to some who drive like they are driving Miss Daisy. We always know when others make a mistake but how good of a driver are you?
For this OP, lets discuss all things driving from what makes you road rage to what places do you love driving to. Is it a particular stretch of highway? A scenic back road?

What makes you absolutely rage to see others do while driving? Is it texting? Do you text? Failing to  keep the speed? Going to fast? Braking when no one is there?

What do you love best about driving? Were you always a natural behind the wheel?

If you were a driving instructor, what would be your most helpful tips when it comes to driving?

Don't forget to include memes, songs, pics and anything else that goes with the OP's theme! Looking forward to your responses. Peace & Love, GG

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