Friday, July 30, 2021

GG's Corner: Dreams and Their Meanings


Dreams. We all have them but can you remember most of your dreams when you wake up? I usually do not but when I do I am astounded by how real it felt! Nightmares are something I do not experience often and wish I never did but I think we all do time to time because we carry worry and anxiety. I tend to have a nightmare when I am highly anxious or have a fever, personally. 

When we dream, there usually is three types of dreams:

1) Passive Imagination. It occurs in our light sleep and we tend to control the scenario.

2) Dream Illusions. It happens when both dreaming and waking consciousness can take on a legitimate mode to dealing with issues we have going on in reality.

3)Dream Hallucinations. I think this one is generally just where the wacky stuff comes from.

I think there is more but these tend to be the 3 most common. When we dream of certain things it is often said there is a reason or meaning behind the dream. Example. dreaming of falling means you feel insecure or dreaming of naked means fear of vulnerability, except for FRED and JAG. :)

What have been your best, funniest or worst dreams?

Do you remember your dreams? Do you believe your dreams have meaning?

Share all songs, memes and any information on dreams and dream meaning for today's OP.

Looking forward to your answers! Peace & Love, GG.


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