Friday, July 23, 2021

GG's Corner: Best/Worst Restaurants & Fast Food Joints


We all have our favorite places to have a great meal or pick up a quick burger on the go in between running around. Its good to have those places that you can trust knowing you are getting decent food, decent service or a little bit of both. Generally, we are willing to try everything/place at least once and lets face it, that's all restaurants get it that one chance to wow you or leave you tasting bitter. 
Over the years, I am sure you have a few absolute fav restaurants you go to or a few fast food places where you always order that ONE indulgence when you feel like eating unhealthy. And I am very certain that you have a few places that you will NEVER go back to again. Whether it was crappy food that left your tummy sick or a waitress that had a bee in her bonnet that day. Bad service can be just as unforgivable as raw chicken!
Between going to a nice place for a steak. ordering in from your fav pizza joint or just zooming through a drive thru for some fries and a shake, we have our favorite orders and places. So for this OP, lets share our  repeat orders, our restaurant choice and those places that we will never set foot in AGAIN!
What is your favorite DINE IN restaurant? What do you always order? What makes this place stand out over the others?

What has been your WORST restaurant experience? Does bad service make or break your experience?

What drive thru or fast food do you like best? Is it burgers or pizza? What's your favorite order when you need something quick?

Please feel free to share any memes or pics that go along with today's OP. Looking forward to your answers. Peace & Love, GG

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